Spotlight on UFS Alumni

We are always proud of our alumni – those in the limelight, but also those who contribute to a better world without their names ever being mentioned.
Thank you all for being the outstanding Kovsies you are.

Economic Management Sciences
Vian Chinner

Vian Chinner
CEO: Xineoh

Dr Jita

Dr Thuthukile Jita
Lecturer and discipline coordinator

Health Sciences
Dr Tabassum Osman

Dr Tabassum Osman
Medical doctor & Registrar in Paediatrics and Child Health, UFS

Khosi Dlamini

Khosi Dlamini
Brand Manager

Judge Molemela

Madam Justice
Mahube Betty Molemela

Judge President: High Court of South Africa (Free State Division)

Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Dr Elsabe Botes

Dr Elsabe Botes
Owner/Director at Test It LAB

Theology and Religion
Siphokazi Dlwati

Siphokazi Dlwati
Faculty of Theology and Religion: UFS
Senior Assistant Officer:
Student Academic Advisor

Business School
Johan Eksteen

Johan Eksteen
MD: Agricon Pelleting

Alumni Home / Featured Alumni

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